Dynamo-litia Boston - June 2016

This month's Dynamo-litia meeting featured special guest Masha Pekurovsky, Design Technology Specialist at Perkins Eastman (NYC).

Dynamo and the Zen of Data Flow
Dynamo data flows from left to right: START --> FINISH. No, this presentation is not going to teach you how to reverse Dynamo gravitation, but rather how to make the best out of it.

In the past two years we saw the emergence of Bumblebee, Rhynamo, Dyno and Flux.io. Operating via Dynamo, these packages enable powerful collaboration workflows between Revit, Rhino, Excel … This means that you and your team can develop custom project-specific workflows much easier than ever before!

This month’s Dynamo-litia presentation is dedicated to contemplating readily available Dynamo-enabled interoperability workflows.

The video and presentation slides are available HERE.

More information at the Boston Society of Architects.